[thequality-update] October 2001

Michela Ledwidge michela at thequality.com
Mon Oct 15 19:34:27 BST 2001

thequality.update 10/2001 


Update on thequality.com's current projects and insights into

converging media issues. http://www.thequality.com





- thequality.com wins international recognition - 


thequality.com won the prestigious web3d Art prize at SIGGRAPH, the
leading graphics and interactive technology event, for 'Horses for
Courses'. http://thequality.com/horsesforcourses


Held in Los Angeles last month, the other web3d prizes were awarded to
Disney and Viewpoint. Further details, including coverage in the Wall
Street Journal, are in the press release


- Experience transfer -


An online chat discussing 3D interactive movie-making will be held as
part of Showtime Network's Alternative Media Festival on Thursday,
October 18, at 2:30pm New York (7:30pm London). Guest speaker will be
thequality.com Managing Director, Michela Ledwidge. Participants will be
able to ask questions regarding thequality.com's production processes
and read a behind-the-scenes article. Join the discussion.


- New clients -


thequality.com is providing consultation to the UK Department of Trade
and Industry on technical architecture and portal strategy, around which
a high profile media campaign is running. The small business services
portal, Business Link, will provide personalised content and online
business services. http://www.businesslink.org




SIGGRAPH 2001 demonstrated clearly that there is currently little
innovation in the online content marketplace despite a surplus of talent
and technology. thequality.com was conspicuous in its presence at the
event alongside numerous software vendors.


The experience has reaffirmed our commitment to continue exploring the
boundaries of networked creativity. Join us.




thequality.com is an interactive production company specialising in
bridging the creative / technical divide in cross-cultural new media.
The company was founded in Sydney in 1993 and moved to London in 1998.





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